Email Marketing
Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment in Ecommerce – 11 Strategies As ecommerce continues to grow, so does the problem of cart abandonment. Online shoppers are getting more savvy, even to the point where they know to delay their purchase by a day leaving an item in their cart, because most ecommerce stores will entice them with…
10 Helpful Tips For Working With Designers Working with designers can feel like you’re banging your head against the wall at times, but this is because you’re grouping all designers into one category. It’s your biggest mistake and you’re assuming that one person can do it all. What’s more, designers are emotionally in-tune, they’re often…
Writing a blog post is like working out – you just want to get it over and done with quickly, but that won’t give you the best results! Yes, you can bang out a blog in around 30 minutes if you are already knowledgeable in your niche, but will it be engaging enough? Take your…
Most business owners know that email marketing is an effective way to reach your client base, create interest in your services, and gain engagement, as well as new client referrals. But do you know what EDM in marketing is? Or did you assume that it’s the same as email marketing? Let us break down the…