EDM Email Database Growth


How e marketing can grow your database

Growing your database often relates to growing your revenues. It’s a game of numbers when EDM email marketing agencies release mailers. The larger your database, the more enquiry you’re going to receive.

E marketing often revolves around growing databases. e-Commerce is a great example; the more people on the receiving end of a perfectly crafted EDM email, the more sales will eventuate. In fact, e marketing is important for other reasons, too; think of it as a customer retention tool. If your brand stays top-of-mind, then your customers are more likely to remain loyal. Often you’ll be advertising product X, but when these communications go out, you’ll receive a flood of enquiries for product Y.

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How we grow your Email marketing services

As an EDM email agency, Thinkroom designs emails with a few things in mind. First, we think about how we can grow your database in each communication we’re sending out. This might be something as simple as including share buttons or having a teaser and incentivising for engagement, posting, or sharing on social media channels. Any share would be designed to draw in others, drive them to your website, where we can capture their details for future EDMs and remarketing.

B2C versus B2B e marketing

Email e marketing works for both businesses the serve consumers (B2C), as well as other businesses (B2B). However, if you have a B2C business, then the opportunity for you to grow your database is often far greater.

Let’s assume you own a finance company that helps people with personal loans. Your potential customers would be a significant part of the population under 40 years of age. If you owned a business that specialised in producing gearboxes for Bentleys, then your potential customers base would be considerably smaller.

It’s important for both, but B2C businesses should take advantage of this and touch as many people’s lives with valuable information as often as possible while keeping the balance of not becoming annoying. When becoming a customer of Thinkroom’s EDM email agency, we plan a comprehensive e marketing calendar in which we consider seasonal trends within your industry. With a well thought out plan, a scheduling process, and the aim to always send a message with the intent of being useful for the recipient. We find the winning formula to increase your revenues and grow your database.

What does an EDM email agency do?

Thinkroom will segregate your database so we can send the most relevant e-marketing messages to each segment possible. It would make no sense to send a 67-year-old man an advertisement for lip filler, but he might be interested in a mole check. We then plan your e marketing calendar. We do this with you, so we understand what your customers are asking for and when.

Next, Thinkroom will establish a theme of how your communications are to be designed. This is in line with your branding and website, so there’s familiarity when the link is clicked and the user is transitioned to your site to complete the purchase or enquiry. Sometimes, we’ll create landing pages for you that aren’t initially part of your website, so we can split test the best strategy once a user has landed on our page. We’ll capture the user’s data so we can identify and segment your database further and then follow them around the internet with display ads used in remarketing. We measure the analytics, calibrate our approach accordingly and develop a winning formula that works for your brand to repeat over and over again.

All-in-all, we increase your revenues.

FAQ's About EDM Email Database Growth

If you'd like to investigate how Thinkroom's email agency service would fit your business,
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