Guest Blogging Services

What are guest blogs & backlink building services?

As a content creation agency, providing guest blogging services is a common request from clients, and it’s an extremely valuable part of SEO and our backlink building services. Guest posts on blogs are when we write an article for another website with a link that points to your website.

We only write for websites with high domain authorities, and we only link to relevant articles and sites.

Why are guest blogging services valuable?

The more websites linking to your business that have high domain authorities and are relevant to your business or industry, will send a clear message to Google that you must be important. It’s not about fooling Google; instead, it’s about delivering high quality, valuable content that users want to read.

The more important you are in Google’s eyes, the higher you’ll rank in search engine requests. Thinkroom’s backlink building services, via guest posting, is an essential part of any digital marketing growth strategy.

How Thinkroom's content creation agency helps.

Thinkroom’s Sunshine Coast based team provides your business with an end-to-end service. This means we’ll create articles with industry-specific writers; we’ll create a blogging strategy calendar, we’ll undergo keyword research for each guest post, we’ll connect with other high-quality websites and negotiate on your behalf to get our article published.

There’s a considerable amount of work involved, including using outreach software and CRMs to manage the connections. All in all, our content creation agency handles everything for you; it’s completely hands-free.

Is guest blogging expensive?

In comparison to other marketing services, no, but guest blogging services are an additional layer of SEO and content strategy that requires an investment, usually starting from $1000-$1500 per month, + articles. Thinkroom’s content creation agency offers this service at a subsidised rate for our existing customers, which is almost 50% of what you’d pay elsewhere. You’ll get high-quality communications and articles, and you’ll be reported to on a bi-weekly basis about our progress. It’s important to note that results vary between industries; certain subjects are more interesting to blog about and are highly searched than others.

How to get started

If you’re ready for considerable SEO growth and you’d like to engage with Thinkroom’s content creation agency, then it all starts with a coffee and some keyword research. We’ll want to know that your industry is going to give you a good return on investment before committing to you with our backlink building services. We only operate in your best interests and enjoy making our customers a success story.

FAQ's About Guest Blogging Services

Curious to investigate how Thinkroom's content creation agency service would fit?
It all starts with a coffee.
